Health: How to Be Your Own Healer

Be Your Own healer

Be Your Own Healer

I am often asked what ‘Be Your Own Healer’ means. Being your own healer involves taking responsibility for your own health, developing self-awareness, and actively engaging in practices that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

In today’s fast-paced society, many people are seeking ways to improve their health and well-being. While medical expertise and therapies are important in treating some health concerns, empowering yourself as your own healer can enhance your overall well-being. By taking an active role in your own healing journey, you can gain a deeper understanding of your body, mind, and spirit. This can lead to greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life.

Taking Control of Your Health

Taking control of your health and adopting a more positive approach to self-care can help you feel less stressed and more in tune with your body, mind, and spirit.

I will explore a variety of practices that can help you become your own healer. By mastering your mind, body, and soul, every aspect of your existence can become healthier, including your ability to overcome long-term or fatal illnesses. Investing in yourself should always be your top priority.

“Health: the condition of an organism or one of its parts in which it performs its vital functions normally or properly; the state of being sound in body or mind.” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nine Health Suggestions for Becoming Your Own Healer

Below is an overview of the nine healing techniques that enhance a person’s well-being:

Listen to Your Body

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

Manage Stress and Emotions

Tap into the Power of Nature

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Educate Yourself

Explore Alternative Therapies

Prioritise Rest and Sleep

Have Supportive Relationships 

As you read through the following categories, you will notice that some suggestions appear more than once. This is because they are essential for healing our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

#1: Listen to Your Body

Being your own healer requires a deep understanding of what your body needs. Don’t ignore signs like discomfort, exhaustion, pain, or emotions. These are ways that your body communicates its health or imbalances to you. Listen to these signals and use them as a guide to healing yourself.

Here are some practical methods for tuning in to your body’s signals:

Mindful Body Scan:
  • Practice a mindful body scan every day for a few minutes. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and scan your whole body from head to toe. Just observe any tension, discomfort, or sensations without judging them. Be aware of any pain that you feel, as this is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Instead of ignoring it, try to understand the cause and possible triggers. This may also involve seeing a doctor or changing your lifestyle to address the root issues.
Keep a Health Journal:
  • Keep a journal to track your everyday activities, including eating habits, exercise routine, emotions, and energy levels. This can make it easier to identify patterns or triggers that are affecting your health.
Practice Intuitive Eating:
  • Pay attention to your body’s signs of hunger and fullness. Eat consciously and intuitively to respect your body’s nutritional requirements and prevent emotional eating.
Reflect on Digestion:
  • Keep track of how your body reacts to various foods. Make dietary adjustments as necessary if you have any sensitivities or stomach problems.
Stay Hydrated:

Listen to your body and drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Dehydration can cause various health issues.

Notice Emotional Responses:
  • Physical manifestations of emotions can occur in your body. Notice how they influence you, and seek positive coping methods.
Seek Silence and Solitude:
  • Spend some time alone and in silence to get in touch with your inner self. You become more aware of your thoughts and feelings when you’re not distracted by external stimuli.

By following these practices, you can develop a deeper connection with yourself and gain insight into what your body needs for optimal health.

#2: Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle requires a strong foundation of habits that support your well-being. You can create this foundation by eating well, staying active, embracing positive ways to manage your stress levels, and getting adequate sleep. You may want to incorporate the following into your daily schedule:

Balanced Nutrition:
  • Focus on eating a balanced, healthy diet that nourishes your body. Your meals should contain a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your consumption of processed meals, sweet drinks, and foods high in sodium and unhealthy fats.
Regular Physical Activity:
  • Make regular exercise a part of your routine. Take part in enjoyable activities like walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, or yoga.
Prioritise Sleep:
  • Ensure you receive sufficient restful sleep every night. For physical and mental recovery, aim for approximately 8 hours of sleep. Develop a relaxing evening routine and stick to a regular sleeping schedule.
Manage Stress:
  • Use stress-reduction strategies to deal with the stresses of daily life. To encourage relaxation and lower stress levels, try yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Hobbies, time spent outside in nature, or spending time with loved ones can also help reduce stress.
Avoid Harmful Substances:
  • Avoid or limit the use of harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, excessive medications containing chemicals, and devices. These substances can damage your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

By incorporating these five behaviours into your daily routine, you can greatly improve your physical, mental, and emotional health leading to a more balanced and happy life. Keep in mind that making gradual changes to your lifestyle can have a big impact on your general well-being.

Health and healthy picture of vegetables and lady
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

#3: Manage Stress and Emotions

By doing these five behaviours daily, you can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health and bring more balance and happiness to your life. Don’t forget that making little, gradual changes to your lifestyle can have a big effect on your well-being.

Mindfulness Meditation:
  • Being in the moment without passing judgment is an essential aspect of mindfulness meditation. It enables you to become conscious of your feelings and thoughts without getting caught up in them. Regular mindfulness practice can increase emotional control, lower stress levels, and improve general well-being.
Deep Breathing Exercises:
  • Breathing deeply by opening up your diaphragm can help you relax your body. By paying attention to your breath, you can soothe your nerves, lower stress, and manage your emotions.
Physical Activity:
  • Regular physical activity releases endorphins, the ‘feel-good’ hormones, through activities like walking, jogging, dancing, or yoga. Exercise increases emotional strength, lifts the mood, and reduces stress.
  • Writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal is a healthy technique to analyze and express them. You can discover patterns, gain an understanding of your emotions, and find positive strategies to deal with stress when it arises.
Seek Support and Connection:
  • Talking about your emotions and experiences with trusted friends, family, or a therapist can offer emotional support and affirmation. By sharing your burdens with others, you can lower your stress level and improve your mental health.

These methods can be helpful tools for controlling stress and emotions, allowing you to live a more emotionally balanced life. To take advantage of the full benefits of these practices, you must figure out what works best for you and incorporate them into your daily routine.”

#4: Tap into the Power of Nature

Nature has a powerful capacity to heal and bring about harmony. Spend time outside, make connections with nature, and participate in calming activities. You can find peace and reconnect with your inner self by engaging in relaxing pursuits like gardening, walking in nature, or just sitting under a tree.

Your mental health and stress levels will improve when you incorporate one or more of these activities into your daily routine. The first suggestion in my book is the most important daily exercise that one should adopt, as it helps to balance your first main chakra, the root chakra, also known as the Muladhara.

Here are some ways to connect with nature:

Earthing (Grounding):
  • To connect with the energy of the Earth, stand barefoot on natural surfaces like grass, soil, or sand. This technique, often referred to as “earthing” or “grounding,” enables you to take in the Earth’s beneficial electrons, which can lower stress, promote better sleep, and ground a person’s energy.
Gardening Therapy:
  • Gardening is a great way to connect with the natural world and spend time outside. Planting, caring for, and maintaining plants can be a soothing and fulfilling experience that helps people unwind and manage their anxiety.
Ocean or Running Water Experience:
  • Spending time close to the ocean or a body of moving water, such as a river or stream is very beneficial. The sights, sounds, and negative ions that water bodies produce have a relaxing effect on the mind and can improve your mood. It is also a powerful spiritual ritual to wash away any negative energies.
Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku):
  • Forest bathing, also known as “shinrin-yoku,” is a Japanese practice that entails intentionally immersing oneself in a forest environment. It has been shown to lower stress, strengthen the immune system, and improve overall happiness.
Bonding in Nature:
  • Spending quality time out in nature by visiting parks or spending time in the country can strengthen your relationship with nature.

By incorporating these activities into your daily routine, you can improve your overall well-being.

Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

#5: Cultivate a Positive and Mindset

A strong technique to improve one’s view of life and general well-being is to develop a positive mindset. Here are five practical methods to encourage a positive mindset:

Gratitude Journaling:
  • Spend some time every day listing the things you are thankful for. By focusing on what you have instead of what you lack, keeping a thankfulness journal can help you feel content and positive. It also strengthens any manifestations caused by the law of attraction.
Positive Affirmations:
  • Include affirmations of success in your daily routine. You can tell yourself encouraging and empowering things like, ‘I am loving, loveable, and loved,’ ‘I am worthy,’ or ‘I embrace challenges with confidence.’ These affirmations can strengthen your self-worth and help rewire harmful mindset patterns.
Surround Yourself with Positivity:
  • Surround yourself with positive influences, whether they are your friends, family, or inspirational media. Avoid being around toxic people or situations that could lower your mood and vibration.
Practice Mindfulness and Self-Compassion:
  • Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions without passing judgement. Self-compassion allows you to treat yourself with care and understanding, even in difficult situations, resulting in inner peace.
Focus on Solutions:
  • When faced with difficulties or setbacks, change your attention from the blocks to finding alternative solutions. You can be empowered by taking proactive action and seeing obstacles as learning experiences.

By doing these practices every day, you can slowly develop a more positive outlook that will increase your resilience, emotional well-being, and sense of fulfillment.

Remember that having a positive mindset is a process that takes effort and will improve how you see and experience the world around you.

#6: Educate Yourself

Learning about your body, common health issues, your emotions, and natural remedies is how you heal yourself. Make some time to educate yourself, but remember to trust reputable sources and consult medical professionals when needed.

People have different needs and preferences when it comes to healing. Our thoughts and beliefs can also affect our healing process. Being flexible and willing to try new things, even if they seem weird, is a way to empower yourself on your healing journey.

If something does not suit you, then please stop, as it is not the right practice for you. Always learn to trust your gut, and don’t let anyone else tell you that your chosen option is silly or foolish.

Here are some ways to educate yourself:

  • You can learn about many topics by reading books, articles, and online sources such as my blog. Choose to read either personal stories, non-fiction materials, self-improvement, or educational materials that you find appealing or that align with your goals. Reading not only increases knowledge but also stimulates the mind and sparks the imagination.
Online Courses and Tutorials:
  • Take advantage of the Internet’s large collection of online courses, webinars, and tutorials. There are numerous platforms that provide a wide choice of subjects, allowing you to learn at your own speed and personalise your educational journey to your specific interests and goals. I find YouTube to be a treasure trove of free knowledge, with some of the top leaders advocating holistic healing. Dr. Joe Dispenza (neuroscience and quantum physics healing), Dr. Gabor Mate (holistic health), and Dr. Eric Berg (diet and supplements) are a few of my personal favourites. I offer articles and some self-help guides on reprogramming the mindset and coping with anxiety, which are available for an energy exchange.
Engaging in Discussion and Networking:
  • Participate in talks with experts, mentors, or peers who have knowledge of the topics you want to research. Participate in workshops, seminars or conferences that interest you. This will help you gain new insights into the topic and connect with like-minded individuals.
Image by Silvia from Pixabay

#7: Explore Alternative Therapies

I am a massive advocate for holistic healing. I know from my own experiences that it saved my life, the lives of my children, some our our pets over the years.

Don’t forget that self-healing is a unique journey; different things may help different people. Trust your intuition. If you feel good about something, keep doing it; if not, explore other options.

Your mindset is the foundation of your healing. A healer of any kind, whether holistic or not, does not heal you; they give you the tools (and clear obstacles) for you to heal yourself. You have to take responsibility for your own healing… no one else, no other reasons.

Here is a list of alternative healing techniques that you may find helpful:

  • A technique that involves inserting small needles into specific points on the body to regulate energy flow and promote physical and emotional healing.
  • A technique that uses essential oils extracted from plants to awaken the senses, promote relaxation, and improve general well-being.
Crystal Healing:
  • It entails placing crystals on or around the body in order to utilise their energy to remove any blockages and promote a regular flow of energy.
Energy and Pranic Healing:
  • This is a type of healing that involves the manipulation of the energy fields in order to remove any energetic imbalances and promote healing.
Herbal Medicine:
  • Uses natural plant-based medicines to treat a variety of health problems and assist the body’s healing processes. Organic herbal teas are included.
  • A practice that promotes mental clarity and awareness through developing mindfulness and inner calm.
  • A Chinese practice that, like Tai Chi, includes gentle movements, breathwork, and meditation to nurture and balance the body’s vital life energy (Qi). Qigong promotes well-being, stress reduction, and a sense of inner peace.
  • An energy healing therapy that uses universal life force energy to balance the energy of the body, which reduces stress and facilitates healing. It is very similar to crystals, tapping, pranic, and energy healing.
  • A type of deep relaxation in which people use guided imagery and positive ideas to access their subconscious mind, allowing them to change their behaviour and reduce stress.
Tai Chi:
  • A peaceful, flowing martial art technique that blends deep breathing and awareness with gentle, flowing movements. Tai Chi improves both physical and mental health by encouraging balance, flexibility, and inner quiet.
Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT)
  • Is the practice of tapping on certain meridian points while focusing on emotional concerns. EFT is a technique for releasing emotional blocks, reducing stress, and promoting emotional well-being.
  • Is a kind of exercise that combines physical postures, breathwork, and meditation to increase flexibility, reduce stress, and promote mind-body connection.

These holistic healing practices use natural and alternative methods to correct imbalances in the mind, body, and spirit, improving total health and well-being.

#8: Prioritise Rest and Sleep

Sleep and relaxation are essential for self-healing. Give your body enough time to relax and heal. To increase the quality of your sleep, which is essential for both physical and emotional recovery, establish a calming night time ritual.

Create a Regular Sleep Schedule: 

Have a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, including on weekends. A regular routine enables your body’s internal clock to regulate itself, making it simpler to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Have a Relaxing Bedtime Routine:

Have peaceful pre-sleep rituals, such as reading a book, having a warm bath, stretching gently, doing a body relaxing meditation, or doing deep breathing exercises. These activities alert your body to the fact that it is time to relax and prepare for sleep.

Improve the Atmosphere Where You Sleep:

Make sure the setting where you sleep is relaxing. Your bedroom should be at a comfortable temperature, quiet, and dark. Have comfy pillows and a mattress, and if necessary, think about using white noise generators or listening safely (no corded headphones) to self-hypnosis or a guided meditation.

By incorporating these techniques into your nightly routine, you will increase the quantity and quality of your sleep, which will improve your physical and mental health. Burning nice rose incense before bed can also make a person feel calm and relaxed.

lady sleeping
Image by Claudio_Scott from Pixabay

#9: Supportive Relationships

Be in the company of uplifting, kind people who inspire and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. Having supportive connections is important for emotional health.

Mutual Respect and Boundaries:

Regardless of whether a relationship is platonic or not, we should always establish healthy boundaries. Maintain open, honest conversations with those you regularly communicate with. Never forget to respect the boundaries of others, either.

Effective Communication:

Be truthful and clear when you talk. Pay attention to others, care about what they want, and express yourself well. When you interact well, you create a space where people can share and help each other. This also helps you understand each other better.

Empathy and Understanding:

Have empathy by putting yourself in the shoes of others and attempting to understand their points of view. Have genuine concern for other people’s feelings and experiences. This promotes closeness and trust in any relationship.

Avoid any toxic or traumatising bonding relationships. These kinds of relationships, whether platonic or not, will hinder any kind of healing process. These relationships are for learning lessons and are very harmful to your mind, body, and soul.

In Closing and Further Articles on Healing

By developing a deeper understanding of who you are and taking care of yourself, you can heal yourself. Make an investment in yourself by leading a healthy lifestyle, managing your emotions and stress, getting outside and enjoying nature, having a good outlook, learning new things, experimenting with various treatments, and relaxing frequently.

Recognise that healing is not always simple and that it is acceptable to ask for help when you need it. Being kind to yourself can help you achieve a more tranquil and well-balanced life.

I have a number of articles that can assist you on your healing journey.

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