Taking Control Over Your Thoughts for Better Health (P3)

Taking control of your thoughts and emotions is the key to good health.

It is recommended to read parts one and two before proceeding. 

mind - a picture of the human head showing colours of energy.
The Shocking Truth About How Your Mind Creates Illnesses: P1
illnesses and energy throughout the body
Setting Illnesses Free and Releasing Dormant Life Force: P2

Controlling Our Emotions

Our emotions, actions, and physical health are all heavily influenced by the beliefs that we have. Negative thinking, judgement, non-forgiveness, and trauma can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. These mental health conditions can, in turn, cause a variety of additional illnesses and disorders.


Self-awareness is essential for the journey to wellness. By recognising harmful thought patterns, a person can challenge their beliefs and replace them with more constructive ones. Mindfulness, meditation, and writing are all techniques that can help us gain greater understanding and mental clarity.


By embracing a positive mindset, we empower ourselves to break free from negative belief patterns. It’s important to remember that we have the power to shape our thoughts and enhance our overall well-being.

Taking Control 

Participating in fun activities and surrounding ourselves with positive people can help us maintain a positive mentality. Positive people radiate happiness and live carefree lives, while negative people can drain our energy and bring us down.

Remember, you have the power to take control over your thoughts and improve your overall health!

lady in control

M to W Healing


Do you have a balanced throat chakra? Are you consuming excessive negativity, whether it’s through unhealthy food or negative thoughts? It’s important to start expressing your true feelings to yourself in order to start your healing process.

Once you have this under control, you will naturally communicate your truth to others. You’ll be on a journey to opening your heart chakra and viewing everything through the eyes of love.


Is your body feeling rigid and tense due to your monkey mind? Are you suppressing your emotions to keep your fears under control? Do you feel overwhelmed by the weight of your responsibilities? It’s important to understand your emotions and how to release them positively. 

Embrace adaptability in your life and stop shouldering the burdens of others. Remember that you are enough, just the way that you are. Once you embrace self-acceptance, you will gain respect from others.


Are you currently facing unresolved conflicts with ex-partners, family members, or friends? Does the weight of these issues make it difficult for you to express your emotions and feel understood? Are you constantly overwhelmed by racing thoughts, or do you feel trapped and pressured to make decisions that don’t align with your best interests?

It’s time to release the negativity and chaos within you and reconnect with your intuition, specifically through your third eye chakra. Embracing forgiveness towards yourself and others is important in order to close the door on the past and regain control of your present.

Remember to take control of your future, so make it a happy and rewarding one.


Are you listening to your inner voice? Trust your own intuition. Being judgemental does not have a positive impact on your energy field. It’s time to reclaim your power and steer your own path. Prioritise self-love and watch as you manifest the love you desire for yourself.


Seeking validation from your lover or partner may seem important, but it’s important to remember that you don’t need validation from any masculine figure in your life, whether it’s from the past or present.

Rejection can actually serve as a shield, protecting you from those who don’t appreciate your worth. You deserve so much more than what you’ve been given. Now is the perfect time to embrace the next chapter of your life. 

Let go of the past because you no longer reside there. It’s time to embark on a new journey and seize control of your own destiny.


Are you experiencing feelings of suffocation or a lack of love? Do you find yourself feeling down and helpless, constantly overwhelmed, and trapped? It’s important to stop feeding into your sugar cravings and anxiety.

Take control of your analytical mind, which is causing your thoughts to race. Remember, you have more strength than you think, and now is the perfect moment to take control. Transform your stubbornness into a source of motivation and inspiration.


Have you ever experienced the feeling of being left behind or abandoned? Do you find it challenging to embrace your self-worth and practice self-love? Are your relationships, whether romantic or not, presenting obstacles for you?

Remember, you hold the power to shape your own life. It is important to release any past traumas, criticisms, or self-judgements. Recognise your worth and know that you are deserving of the love you desire.

Pineal Gland

Are you experiencing a sense of disconnection, loneliness, and confusion? Are you finding it difficult to understand your own behaviour and the behaviour of others? Do you have a persistent sense of external influences in your life?

It’s time to harmonise your mind, body, and soul to regain control and set clear intentions and boundaries. Connect with your higher self and manifest the reality that your heart truly desires.

releasing negativity

Since your shoulders are related to the heart chakra, the only difference is that the right shoulder is tied to masculine energy and the left shoulder is connected to feminine energy. This can also be a sign that your masculine and feminine energies are imbalanced.

Are you currently seeking to safeguard your heart or shield it from heartbreak? Could you be protecting yourself from a person, a situation, or your own emotions? Do you feel rejected, worried, depressed, or unsure of your next course of action?

If a certain situation or person is truly meant for you, they will find a way back into your life. Don’t let them hold you back from living your life; never wait around for a person or situation to happen.

It’s important to give yourself the opportunity to heal and release anything that no longer serves you. Remember, you possess the inner strength to keep going. The universe is on your side.


Each vertebra in your spine is tightly related to a different part of your body, forming a complex network. Let’s explore the general emotions that control these places, starting with some general ones. 

Please leave a comment below if you would like to explore any specific details, from C1 to C7, T1 to T12, and L1 to L5. I will be happy to offer further insights in another article.

Are you self-critical and stuck in your old routines? You have to trust the choices you make and be open to changing course. Are you still holding onto outdated ideas and have fears about the future? Do you have an overactive monkey mind? Do you feel under-supported in life?


Are you finding it difficult to embrace new ideas and information? Do you tend to attack others before they have a chance to criticise you? Is your ego controlling your life? Is your body rejecting the chemicals you are consuming? 

Now is the moment to reflect on whether your emotions, circumstances, environment, relationships, diet, and drinks are truly benefiting you. It’s time to take control of your fears and release anything that no longer serves you. It’s time to revamp your habits, tidy up your surroundings, and evaluate the company you keep.

releasing anger, shame and hurt

Do you struggle with your sexual identity or sexuality? Do you carry guilt and shame around with you? Which has left you feeling uncomfortable and intimidated?

You no longer belong in your past, so stop living there! You are enough, so let go of all your expectations. Have faith that once you let go, the universe will help you.


Are you finding it challenging to truly love and prioritise yourself? Do you tend to ignore or hide your emotions? Are you often critical, judgemental, and resistant to change? It’s high time to shift your focus towards self-love and open up new possibilities. It’s important to bring balance and stability to your root chakra.


Are you someone who tends to be guarded? Have you constructed barriers around your heart, causing you to distance yourself from others out of fear of rejection? It’s about time you focus on nurturing your root and heart chakras by cultivating self-love. Establish boundaries that are reasonable and not overly restrictive, allowing yourself to live a life filled with self-acceptance and love.


Are you struggling with communication and expressing yourself truthfully? Do you often find yourself feeling misunderstood and unintentionally sabotaging your own efforts? Embracing self-love as an important part of your daily routine will help you improve your self-esteem. Remember, you deserve to be heard and have the power to speak your truth confidently.


Are you experiencing a sense of suffocation? Are there moments when life feels unbelievably overwhelming, as if everything is consuming you? It’s high time you prioritise yourself and embrace the power of self-love. Speak up about your desires, establish healthy boundaries, and make sure to carve out some much-needed “me” time.


Are you convinced that you lack worth and don’t deserve anything good? Do you experience feelings of being taken advantage of, rejected, and embarrassed? Are you stuck in toxic relationships where you constantly give without receiving? Do you find yourself constantly pitying your own circumstances? 

It’s time to break free from the victim mentality. Establish personal boundaries for yourself and those around you. Remember, you are a divine being who deserves love and admiration. If you’ve faced significant trauma, such as sexual experiences, childbirth, or menstruation issues, I suggest exploring the healing benefits of Yoni healing.


Are you consumed by fear? Do you constantly expect the worst outcomes from yourself and those around you? It is time to come into alignment with love, as love is the light to freedom from darkness. Connect with your core and nurture your root and heart chakras.

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Disclaimer: I am not a licenced medical professional, so it’s important to consult with your doctor or a specialist for any medical conditions you may have. When seeking advice from others, always trust your own judgement, as you are the one who knows what healing methods work best for you.

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